Karen Page


Hi, my name is Karen Page – hence Karen’s Page (pun intended).

Rambling with the written word.

Starting a University Bachelor of Arts Degree, with the Central Queensland University (CQUni) for the first time, later in life.

Using modern technology to study online, as a distance education student – and loving it!

Coming to terms with social media.

A journey through cyber-space, and the space between my ears. Sometimes going cross-eyed as the two over-lap, which they often do. Frustrating and Fun!

Live with my husband in the NSW Snowy Mountains Region of Australia.

A new addition to our family is Amber the Kelpie. She is two years old, and was supposed to chase sheep – but she decided that was a silly thing to do – so now she is living us, and not chasing sheep. She loves running, and is just a black streak when she is on the move.


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