COMM11007 Week 10 Photo Essay

Amber, a two year old kelpie dog, came into our lives six months ago. She was supposed to work sheep, but didn’t want to – or so, the ad on the local notice board said. Amber is now happily living with us, and not chasing sheep.

'C'mon...Let's go for a walk.' Amber sending me thought messages. How can I resist those imploring golden eyes

Harnessed and ready to go. Amber can't wait to get through the door.

When we arrive at Nimmitabel Public Park, down the road, I take the harness off. That way Amber can run around to her heart's content. She keeps me in sight, and doesn't run off.
Nimmitabel Showgrounds is next to the park. The extra space gives Amber plenty of room to run around.
Next to the showgrounds is a flock of sheep. They were wary of us at first, particularly Amber, as they would have been rounded-up by kelpies.
Live and Let Live. The sheep have become use to us now, and like to watch us, as we watch them.
Amber loves to run. Sometimes, all you can see is a black streak.

Amber will usually wait by the gate till I come to open it, but at the last moment, she shimmys underneath it - must be some sort of game. Dogs love making up games.
We run into a friend walking her dogs: Ollie, a red cattle dog, and Pepper, a blue cattle dog. The dogs are so excited to see each other, they are good friends. It is a warm Spring day, so the dogs go for swim, except for Pepper; she is older and has arthritis, and decides it is still too cold to go in.
Last one out's a rotten egg!
Going home, after a fun-packed, invigorating walk.


  1. Hi Karen, I love you story and captions. I have a question. What is 'shinnys' mean? should it be 'shimmys'?
    I think it may be a spelling or typo error. but otherwise, I enjoyed the caption story and the pic of Amber, doing her thing. Great work Karen.

    1. Hi Chrissy,
      Thanks for your feedback, and I am glad you enjoyed the story.
      I have always used the word 'shinny', but must have been mistaken all these years, 'shimmy' would be the correct word to use - I'm a bit slow sometimes!

  2. Hey Karen!
    Great work in this photo essay! I was going to point out the same thing as Christine with the "Shinnys" typo! Apart from that, your grammar and punctuation is good and the captions tell the story really well!
    Good luck for the rest of the unit!!

    1. Hi Krishelle,
      Thanks for your feedback, I will fix the typo. As I said to Chrissy, I think I have been using the wrong word for many years.

  3. There's no like button, but 'LIKE'. A really great sense of the moment, Karen.


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